Wednesday, 24 April 2013

An update since I have neglected my blog x

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. We went home for Easter which was lovely. We had a really good time. My lo loves being around his nana n grumpy. It does us all good to go home n go out and do things. My little man is starting to walk most places. He looks so cute. He is a proper little explorer. He walked to nursery n back today. He was so good. He loves looking at all the different things on the way :)

I started counselling on Monday. I thought it was goin to be awful but it wasn't that bad. I know the further I get into it the harder it will get. But it means tht I will finally be able to put the abuse behind me n have a fresh start for our next posting. Mondays session made me realise tht actually I am a gd mum, I am extremely string n tht I have come a long way by myself.

My next big task is learning to drive. I need to be able to drive by the time We go to Chatham. So this weekend we are going to look at intense courses n cars n insurance.

I have big news. I'm pregnant :) I am so excited! I feel really positive abt all this :) I can't wait to have another baby.

The Royal Engineer's Wife x